Where to use


Mastercard and VISA are accepted

on POS terminals and online

GiftCard is a magstripe card and the payment is authorized by entering 4-digit PIN code.

Use like any other credit/debit card!  Enter the 16-digit number, exp. date and the 3-digit secure code on the back side.

How to use GiftCards?


campaigns with Branded GiftCards

Retain your Clients
Enhance your customer loyalty
Use as Gifts in promotions
Increase the brand recognition


The best rewarding tool,
easy to use and to understand

GiftCard incentive programs offer fliexibility and help you achieve your marketing goals.

Who wouldn't love that?


The Perfect gift for every personal event of your employees – birthday, wedding, baby, anniversary. Add a personal touch with special picture and video greeting.

How to purchase?

  • 1 Send a request
  • 2 Confirm the order online
  • 3 Pay via bank transfer 
  • 4 Receive your Giftcards